//a quick summary of all the math classes i've taken.
#include "nyu.h"
#include "nyuad.h"
#include "fall2018.h"
#include "spring2018.h"
#include "fall2017.h"
#include "spring2017.h"
#include "fall2016.h"
//class descriptions begin here

float theoryOfProbability()
this.classType = probability + calculus;
this.yearCompleted = 2018;

/* an introduction to the mathematical techniques of random phenomena occurring in the natural, physical, and social sciences. */

int linearAlegbra()
this.classType = algebra;
this.yearCompleted = 2018;

/* an introduction to linear algebra issues starting from the practical problem of solving a system of linear equations and then developing a theory based on vector spaces, determinants and linear transformations. */

int discreteMathematics()
this.classType = setTheory + graphTheory + logic + probability;
this.yearCompleted = 2017;

/* discrete mathematics concerns the study of mathematical structures that are discrete rather than continuous, and provides a powerful language for investigating many areas of computer science. */

int multivariableCalculus()
this.classType = calculus;
this.yearCompleted = 2017;

/* an exploration of functions of several variables focusing on applications to science, engineering and/or economics. specific topics include: vectors in the plane and space; partial derivatives with applications; Lagrange multipliers; constrained and unconstrained optimization; double and triple integrals; spherical and cylindrical coordinates; surface and line integrals. */

int calculus()
this.classType = calculus;
this.yearCompleted = 2016;

/* an exploration the foundations of calculus, examining functions and their derivatives and integrals with a special emphasis placed on the utilitarian nature of the subject material. */